
NTU Faculty & Staff Housing Management System - Single-room Faculty & Staff Housing

  • 一、依  據:國立臺灣大學教職員單房間職務宿舍分配及收費要點
    新增條文:依據「教職員單房間職務宿舍分配及管理要點」第7點「宿舍借用以借用人專任本校期間,借用年限為十五年,且各類宿舍借用期間合併計算,以不超過二十五年為限 」。前揭應計算曾借用之各類宿舍借用期間,包含新進教師職務宿舍、多房間職務宿舍及單房間職務宿舍。
  • 1. Basis:
    National Taiwan University Directives for the Allocation and Administration of Single-room Faculty and Staff Housing
    Amended provisions: In accordance with Rule 7 of the Directives for the Allocation and Administration of Single-room Faculty and Staff Housing, each dormitory assignment shall have a contractual duration of at most 15 years, provided that the occupant remains a full-time faculty member of the University. In addition, the maximum duration in which a faculty member may reside in University housing across all dormitory categories is 25 years. The term “University housing” above refers to all housing and accommodation provided by NTU, including New Faculty Housing, Multiroom Faculty & Staff Housing, and Single-room Faculty & Staff Housing.
  • 二、使用對象:本校編制內(不含附設機構)支薪之專任教職員警,除已獲政府輔助、補助購置或承購住宅(包括曾獲政府負擔補貼利息之輔助、補助購置住宅貸款及曾承購政府興建優惠計價之住宅等),凡無配偶者或原依規定已配住多房間職務宿舍因已無配偶、未成年子女、父母或身心障礙賴其扶養之已成年子女隨居任所者,得申請借用單房間職務宿舍。
  • 2. Eligibility:
    Full-time faculty, staff, security guards on regular payroll (excluding NTU affiliated organizations), provided that the applicant has never received subsidies or allowances from the government in the purchase of a residential unit (including government subsidies or allowances on loan interests, subsidies on mortgage loans, or the purchase of a discount residential unit built by the government.) and that the applicant is single (or that the applicant was previously allocated a Multiroom Faculty and Staff unit but the following family members were subsequently no longer residing with him/her: spouse, a minor child, a parent or an adult child with disabilities requiring his/her financial support).
  • 三、作業流程:(本期宿舍作業流程
    1. 向計資中心申請帳號及密碼 (即email帳號)。(電話:33665022或33665023)
    2. 每年3、6、9、12月1日起至5日止,公告待配宿舍清單。如逢假日,則順延至上班日之首日。教職員住宿服務組並得視宿舍收回情形增加分配次數。
    3. 申請人可於系統開放期間登入申借系統線上瀏覽待配宿舍照片及影片,不便之處請見諒。
    4. 系統開放期間有關待配宿舍相關問題皆可提問,本組聯絡人林股長,電話33663426。
    5. 公告當月1至5日上網選填志願。如逢假日,則順延至上班日之首日。
    6. 公告當月15日公布得配名冊,並公告2日。如逢假日,則順延至上班日之首日。
    7. 公告期滿後,得配人於收到簽約通知起15日內辦妥簽約手續。
    8. 簽約後,得配人自是日起,即負宿舍保管責任。
    9. 公告日起至簽約通知截止日,未依「單房間職務宿舍分配及管理要點」規定辦理簽約事宜,取消當次配住資格,且自下次分配宿舍時起停配1年。
  • 3. Application procedure: (Dormitory assignment procedure flowchart)
    • Apply to the Computer and Information Networking Center for an NTU Mail account (Tel. (02) 3366-5022/5023).
    • Faculty & Staff Housing allocates dormitories on a quarterly basis and announces the list of available vacant units between the 1st and 5th days of the months of March, June, September and December. If the 5th day of the month falls on a holiday, the last day of announcement shall be postponed until the following business day. Faculty & Staff Housing may also announce additional dormitory assignments if and when units are freed up and become available.
    • To browse the photos and videos of the available dormitory units, applicants may login to the NTU Faculty & Staff Housing Management System when the service is available (we apologize if the system is currently unavailable).
    • If you have any questions concerning dormitory assignments during the time the System is available, direct your inquiries to Chief Lin at (02) 3366-3426.
    • Eligible applicants may select their preferences online during between the 1st and 5th days of the month when available vacant units are announced. If the 5th day of the month falls on a holiday, the last day of announcement shall be postponed until the following business day
    • The list of successful applicants is announced between the 15th and 16th days of the month vacancies are announced. If the 16th falls on a holiday, the last day of announcement shall be postponed until the following business day.
    • After the two-day period for the announcement of the list of successful applicants has elapsed, the successful applicants shall sign the dormitory contract within 15 days of receiving the notification.
    • After the contract has been signed, the signee shall immediately assume the responsibility for taking proper care of the assigned dormitory.
    • The successful applicant shall have his/her dormitory assignment rescinded if he/she fails to sign the dormitory contract before the prescribed deadline in accordance with the NTU Directives for the Allocation and Administration of Single-room Faculty and Staff Housing. The applicant will also be ineligible to apply for any multiroom faculty and staff dormitory units for one year, starting from the next dormitory assignment session.
  • 四、系統開放時間:每年 3、6、9、12月1日起至5日止,
      每日 8時至24時,最後1日僅開放至17時。
  • 4. The system will be open from the 1st to the 5th days of each of the following months: March, June, September and December, between the hours of 8:00 am and midnight daily, except for the last day, which will be open until only 5:00 pm.
  • 五、其他:
    1. 登入分配系統後之操作時間請勿超過60分鐘;逾時,請重新登入。
    2. 宿舍之分配,以點數高低為序;如點數相同時,依到校日期先後為序;如到校日期相同時,以最後修改志願且寫入教職員住宿服務組伺服器時間之先後為序。
    3. 因宿舍分配已採電腦化作業,本系統使用對象包含全校符合資格之同仁,且點數計算係以各期分配公告前一個月之資料為準,故宿舍待配名冊已取消,同仁如欲了解薪額及年資點數,請於系統開放時間登入,系統即顯示最新之點數資料。
    4. 已上網選填志願者,選填後如須修正或撤銷,請自行在申借系統於上網選填志願期間截止日完成申請。
  • 5. Other
    • Users will be logged out after each 60-minute session. Simply login again to complete the application.
    • The allocations of dormitory units are based on a point system – the higher the number of points, the higher the priority assigned to the applicant. In the event of a tie, whoever has an earlier employment start date will have a higher priority. If again there is a tie, whoever has an earliest timestamp for their last change in dormitory preferences made on the Faculty & Staff Housing Application System will receive a higher priority.
    • As dormitory assignment has now been fully computerized, this system is open to all NTU eligible personnel and the number of points each applicant has accumulated is calculated based on information collected about the applicant one month before each quarterly dormitory allocation session. Therefore, if the list of available dormitory units has been cancelled and an applicant would like to know the number of points he/she has based on his/her salary level and seniority, he/she may login to the system when it is available to view the point information.
    • An applicant who has already selected his/her preferences online but would like to change or withdraw them may do so on the Application System by the preference selection deadline.
